About Us
In the year 2018, National Dairy Development Board initiated the work on cattle manure management and came up with end to end ‘Manure Value Chain’ model for small and marginal dairy farmers of the country. In this value chain cattle manure is used to produce biogas which is used as fuel for cooking in households or boiler in industries and also converted into power/bio-CNG . Slurry/digestate of these biogas plants is applied as organic fertiliser in raw form or processed into value added fertilisers as per need of soil and crops.
For the purpose of scaling up and to establish commercially sustainable ‘Manure Value Chain’ across the country, NDDB Mrida Limited has been established. Mrida is an unlisted Public Limited Company under the Companies Act, 2013, a wholly owned subsidiary of NDDB.

Our Services

Manure to Biogas

Biogas to Power/Bio-CNG/Steam

Manure Procurement

Digestate Management

Implementation of MNRE Biogas Program
Our Products
Our Impact

Biogas Production

Farmers Outreach

Farm Covered
Our Partners

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